Running your own business is exciting, but it also means you have to be smart about managing two sets of finances: the money in your business and the money you have personally. Imagine your personal and business finances are like two different buckets of water. If one starts to leak, you don’t want it to empty the other. That’s why it’s important to keep them separate. This way, if your business faces a tough time, your personal savings aren’t directly at risk, and vice versa. We have identified 5 main rules for maintaining a healthy balance between your business and personal finances
1. Start Strong
Budgeting: Whether it’s for your personal life or your business, knowing how much money is coming in and going out is key. Think of it as planning how to use your money in a way that covers all your needs and some wants, without running out. For your business, this might mean setting aside money each month for expenses like supplies and marketing. Personally, it could be planning to save a bit from each pay cheque for a vacation.
Emergency Fund: Unexpected things happen. Having a savings buffer for both your personal life and business means you’re ready for surprises without having to scramble for cash. Imagine your car breaks down and your business equipment fails in the same week. If you have savings set aside for unexpected personal and business expenses, you can cover these costs without too much stress.
2. Make Smarter Moves
Paying Yourself: Even if you own the business, you should still earn a regular pay cheque from it. This helps you manage your personal finances better and ensures you’re not taking too much or too little from your business. Let’s say your business makes $5,000 in a month. Instead of taking all that money as your income, decide on a set salary for yourself—perhaps $2,500—so the rest can stay in the business for its needs.
Planning for Later: Thinking about retirement might seem far off, but it’s important. Putting money into a retirement savings plan means you’ll have something to lean on in your later years. Just like planting a tree today so you can enjoy its shade years from now, putting money into a retirement or superfund account early on means you’ll have financial security when you’re older.
Multiple Income Streams: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Having different ways to make money can help you if your business goes through a rough patch. If your main business is a café, you could also look into catering events or offering baking classes on weekends. This way, if fewer customers come into the café, you still have other ways to make money.
3. Grow Your Personal Wealth
Investing your personal money outside of your business can help you build wealth. Before diving in, it’s wise to understand what kind of investment suits you best and to consider getting advice from a professional. If you save $500 from your personal finances each month, instead of just keeping it in a savings account, you might invest in index funds. For example, over the past 10 years, the ASX 200 has earned an average annual total return of 9.3%. Over time, your monthly $500 is likely to grow more than it would in savings, giving you a larger nest egg.
4. Keep Debt in Check
Owing money can be part of running a business and managing your personal life. The goal is to keep it under control, so it doesn’t become overwhelming, especially the high-interest kind. Say you owe $1,000 on a credit card and $2,000 for business equipment. If the credit card has a higher interest rate, focus on paying that off first while still making minimum payments on the equipment loan. This approach keeps your overall debt costs lower.
5. Maintain Adequate Insurance
Insurance acts as a safety net for both your personal life and business, cushioning you against the financial impacts of unforeseen events. For instance, business insurance safeguards your operations, ensuring that if your delivery van is involved in an accident, you’re covered for the necessary repairs. This protection extends beyond the immediate assets to cover potential revenue losses during downtime, thereby shielding your business’s financial health.
On the personal front, health insurance complements Medicare by covering expenses that Medicare does not, reducing the burden of medical bills in case of illness or injury. This dual-layer protection is vital, as it ensures personal health issues do not drain resources needed for business operations.
In addition to these protections, life and disability insurances offer another layer of financial security. Life insurance provides for your loved ones if you’re no longer around, ensuring they can maintain their lifestyle and meet financial obligations without your income. Similarly, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance offers a financial buffer if you become unable to work due to a disability, covering living costs and medical expenses. Meanwhile, income protection insurance replaces a portion of your income during periods you cannot work because of illness or injury, ensuring continuity in managing both personal and business expenses. Together, these insurance policies form a comprehensive shield, safeguarding against a wide range of risks and ensuring that both your personal and business finances remain secure in the face of life’s uncertainties.
Wrapping Up
Balancing your personal and business finances might seem like a juggling act, but with careful planning and smart strategies, you can keep both in good shape. Remember, the goal is to make sure you, your family and your business can thrive and grow.
If you’re feeling unsure about how to manage all this, it might be helpful to talk to a us. We can help you figure out the best way to manage your money, plan for the future and uncertainties, and make the most of your hard and smart work.